On Sat, Apr 11, 2009 at 03:13:05PM +0200, Frank Blendinger wrote:
> On Fri 2009-04-10 23:04, H. Langos <henrik-gnu...@prak.org> proclaimed:
> >
> > E.g.
> > gnupod_find.pl --sort "lastplay" --view "lastplay,default"
> gnupod_find is not (yet?) in the Debian package of GNUpod. Maybe I'll
> try the CVS version, but I don't think I'll really need it.

Yeap. For now it is only in CVS. I guess we'll put out a new release once
gnupod_modify.pl is done.

> > I just tried that and currently lastplay is reported back in MACTIME (
> > seconds since 1.1.1900) I'll change that to human readable output tonight.
> For automated processing, a Unix timestamp would be nice to have, too.

I'll think about that. The current format is easy enough to parse but I'll
think about it.

> I do have one last question, though: I want to (safely) remove the
> ``Play Count'' file after submitting to last.fm, so that I don't get in
> trouble submitting plays multiple times. I think calling gnupod_otgsync
> with the ``secret'' parameter (nice one :-) ) does that. Could I break
> something by doing so?

dunno ... otg sync also translates on-the-go playlists into regular playlists.
i don't know if gnupod_otgsync makes any asumptions about the state of affairs 
so i would go the safe way and call gnupod_search to have it call 


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