...and the people rejoiced.

Now everybody can get a piece of gnupod by running 

 git clone git://git.savannah.gnu.org/gnupod.git

This creates a gnupod sub directory with the current
bleeding edge development version of gnupod.
One more 

 make install

and you've got it installed.

Please uninstall a previous version of gnupod if you installed 
it from your distribution's packet management system (in Ubuntu 
and Debian the packet is called "gnupod-tools") as the paths for 
installing perl modules might differ and you may end up with two 
installed versions of some gnupod modules and executables.

An now some more details for the curious: 

In that gnupod directory will be a ".git" subdirectory 
with the complete gnupod history (every revision, every 
patch, every tag, everything.) so every lookup of past versions 
and diffs will happen locally. No need for connectivity, NO latency!

Instead of explaining it all wrong here's the synopsis of git-clone

       Clones a repository into a newly created directory, creates
       remote-tracking branches for each branch in the cloned 
       repository (visible using git branch -r), and creates and 
       checks out an initial branch equal to the cloned repository´s
       currently active branch.

       After the clone, a plain git fetch without arguments will 
       update all the remote-tracking branches, and a git pull without 
       arguments will in addition merge the remote master branch into 
       the current master branch, if any.

       This default configuration is achieved by creating references to 
       the remote branch heads under $GIT_DIR/refs/remotes/origin and by 
       initializing remote.origin.url and remote.origin.fetch 
       configuration variables.

For beginners a gui is always nice to get a feeling




There's tons of good git tutoruials and migration guides for people
who are familiare with other version control systemss so I'll only
recommend reading the man pages git-tutorial and git-workflows:



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