On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 01:21:06AM +1000, Jacinta Richardson wrote:
> H. Langos wrote:
> > Sorry, but I delayed that to the next release. Moving the documentation 
> > into the perl files required some changes to the build/install mechanics 
> > of gnupod. Those changes triggered some even deeper changes to the 
> > build process that are not yet complete.
> Making the documents the primary documentation would.  I can see that.  
> However
> merely adding it in to the .pm files themselves shouldn't require any build
> process changes.

I didn't want yet another place for the documentation. Thats why I wanted to
add the new and remove the old at the same time.

> Still, I agree that getting the bug fixes out as soon as
> possible is a noble goal, and the new documentation should probably be careful
> reviewed before being stamped as official.

As careful as I can. :)

> > Your changes are however in the master branch and will be in the
> > next release after 0.99.8.
> Do you have an anticipated release date?

For 0.99.8? As soon as I can get Adrian to do it. :-)

For the next one after that? Dunno, I'll go to Brasil for a couple of 
month this winter to visit family.

Maybe I'll have a some time for gnupod in the evenings and maybe I can
even get the local school connected to the next city via a wireless link. 
I hear that they already have all the equipment there and only need 
somebody to install and configure it.... but in brasil it's always
more difficult than that. :-)


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