Hello folks,

as of the discussion for supporting the new iPod shuffle (4th generation?) 
[1] i have done some work on a website, where you are able to upload your 
iTunesSD or iTunesDB file (or both together in a zip, tar or tgz archive). 
The site will store and dissect the files, and shows the fields in that 
Furthermore you are able to have a direct link to the disscted file for 
usind in boards or otherwise in any comunication.
This site is only the first step to have the whole format of the files 
analyzed, so they can be used by any open source software such as gnupod, 
gtkpod, libgpod or similar.

The site is still in development state, so please be patient with 
reporting bugs. I'll try to do my best to have it fit for the iTunesDB 
format, which isn't completly finished yet. In the future ther will be 
some additional functions, such as a comment function on the files and 
fields, for documenting the settings which have been made in iTunes to 
reproduce the uploaded file.

At the moment, you mybe register an account for uploading your files, but 
you haven't to. This feature is for having the files managed by your own, 
such as deleting or commenting your own files.

But now, feel free for using and discussing on this project.

The URL is: http://evil.madrax.de/ipod/

Thanks for your attention.


[1] http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-gnupod/2009-04/msg00000.html
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