Hi all!

While loading a gmodel that contains a menu using gnustep's snapshot
of friday, the program dies with an exception (invalid index) inside
[NSMenuView itemChanged].
The problem seems to be that NSMenuView is getting a notification that
an item has been changed before getting the notification that the same
item has been inserted.
[NSMenu insertItem:atIndex:] calls [NSMenuItem setMenu:] and only after that  
it sends NSMenuDidAddItemNotification.
The problem is that [NSMenuItem setMenu:] calls [NSMenu itemChanged:],
which sends NSMenuDidChangeItemNotification.

Sorry, didn't have time to try correcting the code.

The backtrace just before the exception:
#0  _i_NSMenuView__itemChanged_ (self=0x82067f8, _cmd=0x4028cac0,
    notification=0x8243f18) at NSMenuView.m:267
#1  0x403cb8ae in _i_NSNotificationCenter__postNotification_ (self=0x80bc500, 
    _cmd=0x4028b2b0, notification=0x8243f18) at NSNotificationCenter.m:1080
#2  0x4013c1c8 in _i_NSMenu__itemChanged_ (self=0x81fe458, _cmd=0x4028e150,
    anObject=0x820a998) at NSMenu.m:360
#3  0x40145e44 in _i_NSMenuItem__setTarget_ (self=0x820a998, _cmd=0x4028df78, 
    anObject=0x81fe458) at NSMenuItem.m:365
#4  0x40144e4e in _i_NSMenuItem__setMenu_ (self=0x820a998, _cmd=0x4028b1c0,
    menu=0x81fe458) at NSMenuItem.m:143
#5  0x4013bac6 in _i_NSMenu__insertItem_atIndex_ (self=0x81fe458,
    _cmd=0x4028b220, newItem=0x820a998, index=0) at NSMenu.m:250
#6  0x4013bd64 in _i_NSMenu__addItem_ (self=0x81fe458, _cmd=0x409f42d8,
    newItem=0x820a998) at NSMenu.m:289


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