
Sorry for frequent revision, but the fuctinality still remains the same.

By introducing the new user default value GSXEnableFontSet, all the patches
relevant to the configuration at compilation time have gone.  To enable the
functionality, do

$ defaults write NSGlobalDomain GSXEnableFontSet YES

If the value is NO or not specified, the backend uses the original implementaion.
So you have nothing to lose even if the code of the new files is included
in the xlib backend.

To deploy the files,

   $ cp GNUmakefile.patch /<snip>/back/Source/xlib
   $ cp XGContext.m.patch /<snip>/back/Source/xlib
   $ cp XGFontSetFontInfo.m /<snip>/back/Source/xlib
   $ cp XGFontSetFontInfo.h /<snip>/back/Headers/xlib
   $ cd /<snip>/back/Source/xlib
   $ cp GNUmakefile GNUmakefile.orig
   $ patch -p0 < GNUmakefile.patch
   $ cp XGContext.m XGContext.m.orig
   $ patch -p0 < XGContext.m.patch

To build and install,

   $ cd /<snip>/back
   $ ./configure --enable-graphics=xlib
   $ make
   $ make install

NOTE: Depending on the value of GSXEnableFontSet, different kind of fonts
are likely to be used.  This is not a bug.

- KK
--- GNUmakefile.orig    2003-07-13 06:13:37.000000000 +0900
+++ GNUmakefile 2003-07-19 01:55:08.000000000 +0900
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
 XGContext.m \
 XGGState.m \
 XGGeometry.m \
+XGFontSetFontInfo.m \
 ifeq ($(WITH_XFT),yes)
--- XGContext.m.orig    2003-07-13 06:13:37.000000000 +0900
+++ XGContext.m 2003-07-19 02:00:57.000000000 +0900
@@ -47,6 +47,8 @@
 #include "xlib/GSXftFontInfo.h"
+#include "xlib/XGFontSetFontInfo.h"
 #include <X11/Xlib.h>
 #include <X11/Xutil.h>
 #include <X11/keysym.h>
@@ -70,6 +72,7 @@
   Class fontClass = Nil;
   Class fontEnumerator = Nil;
+  BOOL  enableFontSet;
   NSDebugLog(@"Initializing GNUstep xlib backend.\n");
@@ -84,14 +87,43 @@
+  enableFontSet = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:
+                                                          @"GSXEnableFontSet"];
   if (fontClass == Nil)
-      fontClass = [XGFontInfo class];
+      if (enableFontSet == NO)
+       {
+         fontClass = [XGFontInfo class];
+       }
+      else
+       {
+         fontClass = [XGFontSetFontInfo class];
+         NSLog("Can't use GSXEnableFontSet: You need XFree86 >= 4.0.2");
+         fontClass = [XGFontInfo class];
+       }
   [GSFontInfo setDefaultClass: fontClass];
   if (fontEnumerator == Nil)
-      fontEnumerator = [XGFontEnumerator class];
+      if (enableFontSet == NO)
+       {
+         fontEnumerator = [XGFontEnumerator class];
+       }
+      else
+       {
+         // Commented out till the implementation of XGFontSetEnumerator
+         // completes.
+         //fontEnumerator = [XGFontSetEnumerator class];
+         fontEnumerator = [XGFontEnumerator class];
+         fontEnumerator = [XGFontEnumerator class];
+       }
   [GSFontEnumerator setDefaultClass: fontEnumerator];

    NSFont helper for GNUstep X/GPS Backend

    Author: Kazunobu Kuriyama <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    Date: July 2003

    This file is NOT OFFICIAL part of the GNUstep X/GPS Backend.


#ifndef __XGFontSetFontInfo_h
#define __XGFontSetFontInfo_h

#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <AppKit/GSFontInfo.h>


#if 0 // Commented out till the implementation completes.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  XGFontSetEnumerator
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@interface XGFontSetEnumerator : GSFontEnumerator

- (void) enumerateFontsAndFamilies;

@end // XGFontSetEnumerator : GSFontEnumerator
#endif // #if 0

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  XGFontSetFontInfo
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@interface XGFontSetFontInfo : GSFontInfo
    XFontSet    _font_set;
    XFontStruct **_fonts;
    int         _num_fonts;

- (id) initWithFontName: (NSString *)name
                 matrix: (const float *)matrix
             screenFont: (BOOL)screenFont;
- (void) dealloc;
- (NSSize) advancementForGlyph: (NSGlyph)glyph;
- (NSRect) boundingRectForGlyph: (NSGlyph)glyph;
- (BOOL) glyphIsEncoded: (NSGlyph)glyph;
- (NSGlyph) glyphWithName: (NSString *)glyphName;
- (void) drawGlyphs: (const NSGlyph *)glyphs
             lenght: (int)len
          onDisplay: (Display *)dpy
           drawable: (Drawable)win
               with: (GC)gc
                 at: (XPoint)xp;
- (float) widthOfGlyphs: (const NSGlyph *)glyphs
                 lenght: (int)len;
- (void) setActiveFor: (Display *)dpy
                   gc: (GC)gc;

@end // XGFontSetFontInfo : GSFontInfo

#endif // X_HAVE_UTF8_STRING defined
#endif // __XGFontSetFontInfo_h

    NSFont helper for GNUstep X/GPS Backend

    Author: Kazunobu Kuriyama <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    Date: July 2003

    This file is NOT OFFICIAL part of the GNUstep GUI X/GPS Backend.


#include "x11/XGServer.h"
#include "xlib/XGPrivate.h"
#include "xlib/XGFontSetFontInfo.h"


#define XSERVER [XGServer currentXDisplay]

typedef struct _UTF8Str {
    char    *data;
    int     size;
} UTF8Str;

#define UTF8StrData(x)  ((x)->data)
#define UTF8StrSize(x)  ((x)->size)
#define UTF8StrFree(x) \
do { \
  if ((x)->data) \
    { \
      free((x)->data); \
      (x)->data = NULL; \
      (x)->size = 0; \
    } \
} while (0)
#define UTF8StrAlloc(x, length) \
do { (x)->data = malloc(6 * (length)); } while (0)
#define UTF8StrUsable(x) ((x)->data != NULL)

// Forward declarations
static BOOL load_font_set(Display *dpy, const char *given_font_name,
                          XFontSet *font_set,
                          XFontStruct ***fonts, int *num_fonts);
static BOOL glyphs2utf8(const NSGlyph* glyphs, int length, UTF8Str* ustr);
static BOOL char_struct_for_glyph(NSGlyph glyph, XFontSet font_set,
                                  XFontStruct **fonts, int num_fonts,
                                  XCharStruct *cs);

#if 0 // Commented out till the implementation completes.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  XGFontSetEnumerator
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@implementation XGFontSetEnumerator : GSFontEnumerator

- (void) enumerateFontsAndFamilies
{ }

@end // XGFontSetEnumerator : GSFontEnumerator
#endif // #if 0

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  XGFontSetFontInfo
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@implementation XGFontSetFontInfo : GSFontInfo

- (id) initWithFontName: (NSString *)name
                 matrix: (const float *)fmatrix
             screenFont: (BOOL)screenFont
  Display       *dpy;
  XFontSet      font_set;
  XFontStruct   **fonts;
  XFontStruct   *base;
  int           num_fonts;

  if (screenFont)
      return nil;
  if (!name || [name length] == 0 || (dpy = XSERVER) == NULL)
      return nil;

  if (!load_font_set(dpy, [XGXFontName(name, fmatrix[0]) cString],
                     &font_set, &fonts, &num_fonts))
      return nil;
  base = fonts[0];

  // GSFontInfo part
  [super init];
  ASSIGN(fontName, name);
  ASSIGN(familyName, XGFontFamily(dpy, base));
  memcpy(matrix, fmatrix, sizeof(matrix));
  italicAngle           = 0;
  underlinePosition     = 0;
  underlineThickness    = 0;
  capHeight             = 0;
  xHeight               = 0;
  descender             = -base->descent;
  ascender              = base->ascent;
  maximumAdvancement    =
               base->max_bounds.ascent + base->max_bounds.descent);
  minimumAdvancement    = NSMakeSize(0, 0);
  ASSIGN(encodingScheme, @"");
  mostCompatibleStringEncoding = NSASCIIStringEncoding;
  fontBBox              =
               base->max_bounds.rbearing - base->max_bounds.lbearing,
               base->max_bounds.ascent + base->max_bounds.descent);
  isFixedPitch          = XGFontIsFixedPitch(dpy, base);
  isBaseFont            = NO;
  weight                = XGWeightOfFont(dpy, base);
  traits                = XGTraitsOfFont(dpy, base);

  // XGFontSetFontInfo part
  _font_set     = font_set;
  _fonts        = fonts;
  _num_fonts    = num_fonts;

  return self;

- (void) dealloc
  if (_font_set)
      XFreeFontSet(XSERVER, _font_set);
      _font_set = NULL;

- (NSSize) advancementForGlyph: (NSGlyph)glyph
  XCharStruct cs;

  if (!char_struct_for_glyph(glyph, _font_set, _fonts, _num_fonts, &cs))
      cs.width = _fonts[0]->max_bounds.width;
  return NSMakeSize((float)cs.width, 0);

- (NSRect) boundingRectForGlyph: (NSGlyph)glyph
  XCharStruct cs;

  if (!char_struct_for_glyph(glyph, _font_set, _fonts, _num_fonts, &cs))
      return fontBBox;
  return NSMakeRect((float)cs.lbearing, (float)-cs.descent,
                    (float)(cs.rbearing - cs.lbearing),
                    (float)(cs.ascent + cs.descent));

- (BOOL) glyphIsEncoded: (NSGlyph)glyph
  XCharStruct cs;

  return char_struct_for_glyph(glyph, _font_set, _fonts, _num_fonts, &cs);

- (NSGlyph) glyphWithName: (NSString *)glyphName
  KeySym k;

  k = XStringToKeysym([glyphName cString]);
  if (k == NoSymbol)
    return 0;
    return (NSGlyph)k;

- (void) drawGlyphs: (const NSGlyph *)glyphs
             lenght: (int)len
          onDisplay: (Display *)dpy
           drawable: (Drawable)win
               with: (GC)gc
                 at: (XPoint)xp
  UTF8Str ustr;

  if (glyphs2utf8(glyphs, len, &ustr))
      Xutf8DrawString(dpy, win, _font_set, gc, xp.x, xp.y,
                      UTF8StrData(&ustr), UTF8StrSize(&ustr));

- (float) widthOfGlyphs: (const NSGlyph *)glyphs
                 lenght: (int)len
  UTF8Str   ustr;
  float     val;

  if (glyphs2utf8(glyphs, len, &ustr))
      XRectangle logical;

      Xutf8TextExtents(_font_set, UTF8StrData(&ustr), UTF8StrSize(&ustr),
                       NULL, &logical);
      val = logical.width;
      val = 0.0;
  return val;

- (void) setActiveFor: (Display *)dpy
                   gc: (GC)gc
  // Do nothing.

@end // XGFontSetFontInfo : GSFontInfo

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Static Functions
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static BOOL
load_font_set(Display *dpy, const char *given_font_name,
              XFontSet *font_set, XFontStruct ***fonts, int *num_fonts)
  int   i;
  char  xlfd[256];
  int   xlfd_num_elms;
  BOOL  has_add_style;
  char  *xlfd_elms[14];
  char  base_font_name[256];

  char  **missing_charsets;
  int   num_missing_charsets;
  char  *def_string;

  char          **font_names;
  int           num_font_names;
  XFontStruct   **font_structs;

  if (!dpy || !given_font_name)
      return NO;

  strcpy(xlfd, given_font_name);

  xlfd_num_elms = 14;
  has_add_style = YES;
  if (strstr(xlfd, "--"))
      has_add_style = NO;

  i = 0;
  xlfd_elms[i++] = strtok(xlfd, "-");
  while (i < xlfd_num_elms)
      xlfd_elms[i++] = strtok(NULL, "-");

  // To let the X server determine a font set automatically, some elements
  // of the XLFD should be replaced with the wild card.
  if (has_add_style)
              xlfd_elms[0],     // foundry
              "*",              // family
              xlfd_elms[2],     // weight
              xlfd_elms[3],     // slant
              xlfd_elms[4],     // set width
              xlfd_elms[5],     // add style
              xlfd_elms[6],     // pixel size
              xlfd_elms[7],     // point size
              xlfd_elms[8],     // resolutionX
              xlfd_elms[9],     // resolutionY
              "*",              // spacing
              xlfd_elms[11],    // avg width
              "*",              // registry
              "*"               // encoding
              xlfd_elms[0],     // foundry
              "*",              // family
              xlfd_elms[2],     // weight
              xlfd_elms[3],     // slant
              xlfd_elms[4],     // set width
              xlfd_elms[5],     // pixel size
              xlfd_elms[6],     // point size
              xlfd_elms[7],     // resolutionX
              xlfd_elms[8],     // resolutionY
              "*",              // spacing
              xlfd_elms[10],    // avg width
              "*",              // registry
              "*"               // encoding

  // N.B. def_string is owned by the X server: Don't release it.
  missing_charsets      = NULL;
  num_missing_charsets  = 0;
  def_string            = NULL;
  *font_set             = NULL;
  *font_set = XCreateFontSet(dpy, base_font_name,
  if (!*font_set)
      NSLog(@"XGFontSetFontInfo: Can't create a font set\n");
      return NO;
  if (num_missing_charsets > 0)
      for (i = 0; i < num_missing_charsets; ++i)
          NSLog(@"XGFontSetFontInfo: Charset %s is not available\n",
      missing_charsets = NULL;
      num_missing_charsets = 0;

  // N.B. font_structs and font_names are owned by the X server: Don't
  // release them.
  num_font_names    = 0;
  font_structs      = NULL;
  font_names        = NULL;
  num_font_names = XFontsOfFontSet(*font_set, &font_structs, &font_names);
  if (!num_font_names)
      NSLog(@"XGFontSetFontInfo: "
            "Can't get any information from the font set\n");
      return NO;

  *fonts = font_structs;
  *num_fonts = num_font_names;

  return YES;

// N.B. Use UTF8StrFree() to release the space pointed to by 'ustr'.
static BOOL
glyphs2utf8(const NSGlyph* glyphs, int length, UTF8Str* ustr)
  int       i;
  NSGlyph   *g;
  NSGlyph   *end;
  char      *p;

  if (!glyphs || !length)
      return NO;

  UTF8StrAlloc(ustr, length);
  if (!UTF8StrUsable(ustr))
      return NO;

  p = UTF8StrData(ustr);
  i = 0;
  for (g = (NSGlyph *)glyphs, end = (NSGlyph *)glyphs + length; g < end; ++g)
      if (*g < 0x00000080)
          p[i++] = *g;
      else if (*g < 0x00000800)
          p[i++] = 0xc0 | ((*g >>  6) & 0x1f);
          p[i++] = 0x80 | ( *g        & 0x3f);
      else if (*g < 0x00010000)
          p[i++] = 0xe0 | ((*g >> 12) & 0x0f);
          p[i++] = 0x80 | ((*g >>  6) & 0x3f);
          p[i++] = 0x80 | ( *g        & 0x3f);
      else if (*g < 0x00200000)
          p[i++] = 0xf0 | ((*g >> 18) & 0x07);
          p[i++] = 0x80 | ((*g >> 12) & 0x3f);
          p[i++] = 0x80 | ((*g >>  6) & 0x3f);
          p[i++] = 0x80 | ( *g        & 0x3f);
      else if (*g < 0x04000000)
          p[i++] = 0xf8 | ((*g >> 24) & 0x03);
          p[i++] = 0x80 | ((*g >> 18) & 0x3f);
          p[i++] = 0x80 | ((*g >> 12) & 0x3f);
          p[i++] = 0x80 | ((*g >>  6) & 0x3f);
          p[i++] = 0x80 | ( *g        & 0x3f);
      else if (*g < 0x80000000)
          p[i++] = 0xfc | ((*g >> 30) & 0x01);
          p[i++] = 0x80 | ((*g >> 24) & 0x3f);
          p[i++] = 0x80 | ((*g >> 18) & 0x3f);
          p[i++] = 0x80 | ((*g >> 12) & 0x3f);
          p[i++] = 0x80 | ((*g >>  6) & 0x3f);
          p[i++] = 0x80 | ( *g        & 0x3f);
          // Out of range
          return NO;
  UTF8StrSize(ustr) = i;

  return YES;

static BOOL
char_struct_for_glyph(NSGlyph glyph, XFontSet font_set,
                      XFontStruct **fonts, int num_fonts,
                      XCharStruct *cs)
  UTF8Str utf8char;

  if (glyphs2utf8(&glyph, 1, &utf8char))
      XRectangle    ink, logical;
      int           num_chars;

                              UTF8StrData(&utf8char), UTF8StrSize(&utf8char),
                              &ink, &logical, 1, &num_chars, NULL, NULL);

      if (num_chars != 1)
          return NO;

      cs->lbearing      = 0;
      cs->rbearing      = 0;
      cs->width         = logical.width;
      cs->ascent        = fonts[0]->max_bounds.ascent;
      cs->descent       = fonts[0]->max_bounds.descent;
      cs->attributes    = 0;

      return YES;
      return NO;

#endif // X_HAVE_UTF8_STRING defined
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