> When you have a 15" LCD with 1024 x 768, that makes: 85.3 dpi.  If you

...but we arent talking about *real* DPI here are we ? We are (or at least
I am) talking about the assumed DPI which will affect the number of
pixels you get on the screen if you ask for a 100x100 window.

Currently I was assuming a 1:1 mapping - which I am beginning to understand
was due to the screen being assumed to be 72 dpi and the DPS base
resoltion being 72 ppi, hence one dot becomes one pixel and a 100x100
view contains 100 pixels square (? have I finally got this right ?).

The actual pysical resolution of the device is pretty much
irrelevent - especially as we are talking about an off-screen window :-)


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