
--- Andreas Heppel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 2004-02-14 14:11:51 +0100 Fred Kiefer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [snip]
> > 
> > I did (hopefully) resolve this problem in a different way, by removing the 
> > helper method and inlining the code into reloadItem:reloadChildren:. This 
> > allowed for a few more corrections/simplifications (and would allow for
> more, 
> > if I only would understand better, what this method should do). I must
> admit, 
> > that NSOutlineView is a part of GUI, where I don't understand most of the 
> > code. No idea, for example, why it replaces the item with NULL, if it is
> nil.
> > 
> > Perhaps you may want to take over the maintainance this class?
> If there is noone else to do it right now, I will, yes. In particular as it 
> seems like I was the only app developer who is intensely using this class (or
> say, who is trying to get most outof it :-) But be aware that I probably do 
> not understand this code much better than you ;-)

I wrote NSOutlineView, so please, if you have any questions about why something
was done in a particular way, please let me know.  I use this class heavily in
Gorm.  It was, in fact, originally implemented by me so that we could have an
outline based view of the class hierarchy in Gorm.

> But seriously, I can do it and maybe I should also take some care of 
> NSTableView as NSOutlineView's ancestor. I've come across some strange stuff 
> here too, but didn't dig into it, yet. BTW, who is the originator of those 
> classes? Maybe he can be of some help for understanding the code.

Fabien worked on NSTableView mainly, he and I cooperated when I wrote
NSOutlineView to make the code more efficient.   There is a lot of complex code
in both of these classes, so change them with care.
> Cheers,
> Andreas


P.S. Fred, I'm aware of no place in the code where it replaces items with NULL
if they are nil. :)

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