Quentin Mathé wrote:
> Here is an updated set of patches... I hope it's ok now : I removed the
> action send in NSButtonCell and also the NSWindow patch (-performClick:
> is kept until better solution is found).
> I think it is ok to commit.
>   ?

Some lines seem to be longer than 80 characters, but otherwise, it's ok.
Thanks for working on this!

Fred Kiefer wrote:
> As I wrote before, I like the patch. There are a few remaining minor
> things, I don't see the reason for the change on NSControl

Mostly style, but if extra behavior is added to [NSCell -performClick:],
it's important that NSControl still directly does the right thing.

> and NSCell
> performClick: still ignores the sender if the controlView is unset.

I'd rather remove [NSCell -performClick:] than extend it, but either
way, it'll be easy to do this after this change.

> But
> anyway, for me it would be fine to have this commited.

- Alexander Malmberg

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