On 2005-05-22 17:43:36 +0700 Fred Kiefer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Rob,

first of all, you should have put this report into Savannah. This would make it easier to keep track of replies. Not the lack of them :-)

sometime soon I'll do that.

Yes, this would fail, as now the document is registered with the resolved file name. You either need to resolve the symbolig link before you do the documentForFileName: lookup or later in NSDocument readFromFile:ofType:. But first you should check the comment in NSDocument loadFileWrapperRepresentation:ofType:. There somebody stated before the exception gets raised:

     * This even happens on a symlink.  May want to use
* -stringByResolvingAllSymlinksInPath somewhere, but Apple doesn't.

If this is still true, we should stick with the current behaviour. Perhaps somebody with an Apple computer and to much time could try and find out at which point Cocoa resolves symbolic links, if they get resolved a t all.

I have osx 10.2 here, and I can do some testing to see what it does, though results from someone with access to 10.4 might be more desirable.


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