Richard Frith-Macdonald wrote:

On 9 Jan 2006, at 06:31, Sheldon Gill wrote:

Richard Frith-Macdonald wrote:

On 9 Jan 2006, at 05:27, Sheldon Gill wrote:

Follow-up Comment #5:
I'm fairly sure this is fixed by moving the declaration of
At least ... the current code in CVS compiled and runs fine for me

Could you please explain why "fallbackInitialisation" is needed and a good idea?

I'm not at all sure it *is* a good idea.

Good, because I'm firmly of the opinion that its *not*.

OK ... but we need to be sure what we are talking about and what the reasons are ... Are you against the principle of allowing args/environment to be overridden programatically, or against the specific implementation? We also need to know why this is currently being done by at least one person (wish I could remember who it was), who presumably is of the opinion that it *is* a good feature.

I'm against the specific implementation primarily.

In general, though, I think we should stick to keeping things clean and simple as far as possible. I also think we should stick to the API.

In this case:

[[NSProcessInfo processInfo] arguments] returns an NSArray of NSStrings which are, by definition, the arguments used to start this process. Want different arguments? Start the process with them.

[[NSProcessInfo processInfo] environment] returns a NSDictionary giving the environment variables for the process.

The issue was raised by a windows user for windows. The root cause here seems to be that the user wanted to have the library initialised a particular way. Lets analyse the fundamental driving concern and deal with it appropriately. I'm willing to bet it was to have the library go with an application in 'stand-alone' mode. If that is the case then the right solution is to build the library appropriately for the application.

Fundamentally, "fix it where its broken" rather than "get around that by..."

I can invent obscure setups where this would obviously be very useful ... but I don't know which actually apply.

There are lots of potentially useful things which could be added. As a Foundation library, though, I don't think they should be. Keep it clean, keep it simple. Fancy adds should be outside.

Now, the intention of +initializeWithArguments:count:environment: was to supply a mechanism to initialise NSProcessInfo for systems where the base library can't determine args/env automatically, not to override/alter the args/env, so arguably he shouldn't have been using it for that, which is why I'm not sure that continueing to support that behavior is a good idea.

I recall the intention of the method. It can remain a usable method at program start if the base auto-main stuff is compiled away I guess. (ie force:

  [NSProcessInfo initialize...]

but not many would want that.

A significant minority will ... anyone embedding gnustep code inside other software written in another language or without main() being available for some other reason (eg an apache module) for instance.

You mis-understand me. I didn't say it very well. I was referring only to applications/tools.

If you were using -base in an apache module on Linux the args/env would be properly set up from /proc.

If we *do* want to allow the args/env to be overridden programmatically, we should document the behavior and ensure that it always works.

The *right* way to over-ride args and env would be to do so in an app-wrapper and then exec, isn't it?

Yes, but I can see that there are lots of situations (fitting code into other software frameworks) where that might be inconvenient (perhaps completely impractical for all I know).

If a specific difficult situation should arise we should examine it

I think on balance, I'm in favour of the principle of allowing programmatic override of ars/env ... (since we *must* have a mechanism to provide args/env for lots of uses, and allowing that mechanism to override the default setup is not a very complex extension), but I would prefer a better implementation.

We need to get args/env for the process. Period. The reasons why any particular application wants to use them is secondary. The need to set them for -base startup seems to me to be pointing at other issues/design decisions.

IMO if we go down that route, we should provide a function to do it and remove the method of NSProcessInfo ... so it can be done easily from other languages and *before* the objc runtime and any classes are initialised. That would allow code inside the base library to access the environment in a consistent way.

IF we go down that route, yes it would be best done (and easily) by setting pointers during [load] time rather than relying on [initialise] time.

We should also change the existing code to work around the current problem that the C-string characterset we use is determined by an environment variable, but we don't know how to parse the environment variables until we know the characterset we are using... in this respect the current windows code is better than the unix code ... we use the unicode api to get the environment and therefore don't need to worry about converting from a C-string.

This is a platform issue, rather than a GNUstep one:
- On windows the environment strings are known a-priori to be UTF16 so its
- *nix has umpteen variants with different settings. How to decide which characterset/encoding/codepage is thus more difficult.

It would be just as easy on Linux modern distros which use UTF8.

I think we should rely on API calls rather than environment variables though.

The existing code does need cleaning up, though.

At this point I think we need to move to discuss-gnustep and thread...
we're moving away from the bug itself


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