Follow-up Comment #5, bug #24526 (project gnustep):

A friend who is an official Debian Developer managed to reproduce this on
Debian GNU/Linux amd64 (sid), using the debian gnustep-base package (version
1.16.3), installed specifically for this test.

Attached are two files with backtraces -- one with the Emacs CVS (the
original problem), and another one with the test program.  They are almost
identical, and also identical to the ones at the Emacs bug report #1079.

If `signal' is broken on Debian unstable, that's a very grave problem.

(file #16693, file #16694)

Additional Item Attachment:

File name: backtrace-emacs.txt            Size:5 KB
File name: backtrace-test-program.txt     Size:8 KB


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