Georg Fleischmann schrieb:
> here is a small fix for printing of more than the first page. A MIN
> needs to be turned into a MAX.
> Best Wishes,
> Georg Fleischmann
> *** Source/NSPrintOperation.m.old    2009-03-13 14:31:29.000000000 +0800
> --- Source/NSPrintOperation.m    2009-07-14 11:46:42.000000000 +0800
> ***************
> *** 972,978 ****
>         info.first = MAX(info.first, (int)viewPageRange.location);
>         info.first = MIN(info.first, (int)(NSMaxRange(viewPageRange) - 1));
>         info.last = MAX(info.last, info.first);
> !       info.last = MIN(info.last, (int)(NSMaxRange(viewPageRange) - 1));
>         viewPageRange = NSMakeRange(info.first, (info.last-info.first)+1);
>       }
>     [dict setObject: NSFNUMBER(info.nupScale) forKey: @"NSNupScale"];
> --- 972,978 ----
>         info.first = MAX(info.first, (int)viewPageRange.location);
>         info.first = MIN(info.first, (int)(NSMaxRange(viewPageRange) - 1));
>         info.last = MAX(info.last, info.first);
> !       info.last = MAX(info.last, (int)(NSMaxRange(viewPageRange) - 1));
>         viewPageRange = NSMakeRange(info.first, (info.last-info.first)+1);
>       }
>     [dict setObject: NSFNUMBER(info.nupScale) forKey: @"NSNupScale"];

Sorry, I don't quite understadn this fix. As far as I see this code
tries to make sure that the last printed page is still smaller than the
known available pages. In which case is this value wrong?

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