Update of bug #34740 (project gnustep):

                  Status:                    None => Fixed                  
             Open/Closed:                    Open => Closed                 


Follow-up Comment #9:

>thanks i can confirm that fixes the problem so this bug can be closed. 
ok, cool.

>i can't use cairo. i want to deploy a binary-only with included gnustep as a

>precompiled package for all linux distributions. in this case the only thing
i really 
>care about is deployability = dependencies. i will therefore try again to get
plain X 
>backend working and file a bug about the font issue if it still exists. 

ah, I see.

>thanks for the warning! actually i don't know a better way except perhaps
>TIFFRepresentationUsingCompression:NSTIFFCompressionNone, and i believe i
>that and the results were not good...i think there was a issue with
transparency. if 
>you want i can retest this and look if there is bug there compared to cocoa.
i believe 
>in my case bitmapData (with a few sanity checks) isn't so bad anyway since i
>complete control over the embedded gnustep version and all images that ever
>get loaded. 

yeah, it's probably fine especially given that you have control over GS.

another way, at least on cocoa, is create NSBitmapImageRep of the format you
want to work with, and then call +[NSGraphicsContext
graphicsContextWithBitmapImageRep:] to get a context which draws into that
bitmap image rep, then draw on that context. Problem is, GNUstep doesn't
support that method AFAIK. :-(

> 512x512 down to 1x1 embedded. 

that is the ideal format for an app icon, so anywhere in GNUstep it screws up,
we have bugs. i was aware of the about panel one (it will use the largest
size, so you end up with a huge 512x512 image in the about panel, right?) but
never got around to fixing it.


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