
I'm using latest version of GNUstep on FreeBSD 10 64bit with ARC.
When my NSTextView is freed I get segfault. I haven't seen this behavior
for any other UI element.

Example: Put this code in loadview
    NSTextView *tv = [[NSTextView alloc] init];

and it segfaults when object is released.

I haven't really done any debugging yet except finding where this happens.
Thought I send this mail first before I dive into the gui source code.

#0  0x0000000802d9aa74 in objc_msgSend_fpret () from
#1  0x0000000800db5379 in -[NSView dealloc] (self=0x81aee9b90, _cmd=<value
optimized out>) at NSView.m:651
#2  0x0000000800d9951a in -[NSTextView dealloc] (self=<value optimized
out>, _cmd=<value optimized out>) at NSTextView.m:1141
#3  0x0000000800d9121b in -[NSTextContainer dealloc] (self=0x81ddd1f30,
_cmd=0x8011e3b60) at NSTextContainer.m:134
#4  0x00000008014fe67a in -[GSArray dealloc] (self=0x81e411290, _cmd=<value
optimized out>) at GSArray.m:137
#5  0x0000000802d9b5c9 in objc_autoreleasePoolPop () from
#6  0x000000080154a400 in -[NSAutoreleasePool dealloc] (self=0x81af462f0,
_cmd=<value optimized out>) at NSAutoreleasePool.m:729
#7  0x0000000800c975d4 in -[NSApplication run] (self=0x81aca9490,
_cmd=0x8011e3b60) at NSApplication.m:1543
#8  0x0000000000425965 in main (argc=2, argv=0x7fffffffc798) at main.m:20

Best regards
Johannes Lundberg

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