Follow-up Comment #8, bug #24109 (project gnustep):

Nicola wrote:
> libgnustep-gui is not linked against libobjc. 
> That is done on purpose (eg see #9920). 

It is not clear from that bug *why* it is done on purpose...

> So ... what advantages would this change bring ? 

It's the other way around -- what advantages does it bring if not linking?

Richard wrote:
> If we changed the compatibility layer in GSObjCRuntime.h in 
> the base library so that we wrapped all of the runtime 
> functions, libraries would be able to link with just base
> and not libobjc. 

GUI uses libobjc directly at least in GSTheme, I think.  But apart from that,
is your proposal possible at all?  Aren't Objective-C libraries/applications
expected to be able to call runtime functions without hassle if they wish so? 
Isn't linking also needed for proper initialization (admittedly, this happens
anyway as the app is linked with the runtime)?


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