Follow-up Comment #2, bug #53060 (project gnustep):

Normally I woldn't want to touch xlib with a barge pole.  But Debian is likely
to be removing libart in the very near future so we would have to drop the art
backend.  We packaged xlib recently only because I want to have at least two
backends, it's useful for testing purposes.  I would like to package opal but
there are issues with missing libraries (lcms) and the GNUstep opal library
clashing with the VoIP opal library that is used by ekiga.  Both art and xlib
are clearly marked as deprecated in the package descriptions and the
README.Debian file.  

My first approach to this problem was to make GSXftFontInfo inherit from
FCFontInfo (and likewise, GSXftFontEnumerator from FCFontEnumerator,
overriding +faceInfoClass and +fontWithName:).  I probably made some grave
mistake(s) because I get:

can't find text container for glyph (internal error)

from NSLayoutManager.  If you want I can tidy up that patch and can attach it
for you to take a look.  It could spare you some time if my mistake is not
fundamental and there's something little yet essential that I'm missing.

By the way, fontconfig has been a hard dependency for Xft since time
immemoriam so the HAVE_FC branch in the code doesn't make sense to me.


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