If I may chime in here, asking the already overworked icecat developers to work 
harder to maintain different icecat versions for closed source operating 
systems isn't exactly just a security nightmare. it's an absolutely pointless 
effort. you could have the best browser on earth and use it on apple mac or 
microsoft windows 10 and you might as well be using google chrome to browse. 
it's that pointless, because the operating system will most likely be doing 
things that contradict the privacy related features of (best browser in the 

using icecat on windows 10 or mac os is like bringing a bucket of fresh water 
everywhere you go because of it's anti-salt features and then taking it to the 
middle of the ocean and expecting the fresh water to not get at least a little 
salty. (unavoidably very salty eventually)

I personally believe there is a conspiracy for people to suggest over and over 
that they are offended that icecat isn't supporting laughably bad 
"environments" because they truly and honestly believe that it has some 
benefit. "they" know that icecat dev is tired and exhausted and trying to keep 
up and they want to give them more work because they want them to fail. that's 
personally what I believe and I'm not afraid to say it because it's a 
legitimate well reasoned thought based on the information around me. it isn't 
in the least far fetched.

all I'm saying is that if you are so worried about security or privacy, why in 
the name of GNU are you using an operating system like mac or windows 10? get 
on a foss linux operating system and then you will have the right idea when you 
think "how can I do this even better"

using icecat on a closed source operating system is like eating burgers and 
pizza and donuts 6 days a week and on the seventh day you eat one salad and 
think you are some health guru. you have to be joking us, and you have to be 
joking yourself. seek professional mental care help, and I really do mean that 
in the nicest and most caring way possible. ( to the people who are suggesting 
these things)

16. Mar 2017 11:34 by pub...@beloved.name:

>   Please don't be offensive in here.
> I sympathize with Dan that the release schedules have lost control. But you 
> are right too Sedovanr, there are only a few developers for IceCat, however, 
> the team is about to expand.
> On 16 March 2017 15:32:35 CET, Sedov Andrey <> sedov...@yandex.ru> > wrote:
>> You talk a lot.        Talk about the empty and unnecessary. The          
>> number of Icecat developers is small and they are right that          they 
>> do not spend their time on unnecessary things. Want          for a useless 
>> thing - support spyware OS Windows, DO!
>>         Develop your code for IceCat, and do not make          claims and 
>> whims for real developers Icecat.
>>     >> 16.03.2017 09:39, Daniel Quintiliani      пишет:
>>     >>     
>>>       >>> Hi,I am sick and effing tired of the project going nowhere 
>>> because all we do is argue over the same crap while the developers can't 
>>> make up their mind on what to do before the next already-obsolete version 
>>> is released. I've seen more fringe opinions with IceCat than I've seen in 
>>> any other software program. The truth is nobody in IceCat cares about 
>>> providing freedom to those in need of it, which IceCat is in a crucial 
>>> position for right now, they just like to argue and troll and come up with 
>>> nutty ideas, like that troll a few months ago who said that closed-source 
>>> OSes should receive no security updates for any software at all, and now we 
>>> got another weirdo who is putting out similar rants. The GNU project is 
>>> about providing freedom to people who need it, not *deliberately* harming 
>>> people's lives with insecure software just because they use closed-source 
>>> OSes. I switched to Pale Moon months ago because, thanks to the trolls who 
>>> hold back development, IceCat is dangerous to use. I'm tired of trolls. 
>>> Have fun with your troll web browser, I won't be recommending it to anyone 
>>> anymore on any OS, closed or open.---Dan Q-->>> http://gnuzilla.gnu.org>>>  
> -- 
> Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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