hi all,

On Thu, 13 Oct 2022 18:52:51 +0100
Sam James <s...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> > On 13 Oct 2022, at 18:46, Sam Trenholme <mara...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > 
> > After spending nearly an hour updating all of the scripts in the test
> > framework for one of my open source projects to no longer use egrep,
> > I’m going to say it:
> > 
> > We should not deprecate egrep and fgrep
> > 
> > egrep and fgrep have been around since the 1970s, were in wide use
> > well over 25 years ago on the SunOS machines we used at the time, and
> > are widely supported, e.g. Busybox includes an fgrep and egrep.
> > 
> > Even the Posix spec acknowledges that that should remain supported for
> > the foreseeable future:
> > 
> > “The old egrep and fgrep commands are likely to be supported for many
> > years to come as implementation extensions, allowing historical
> > applications to operate unmodified.”
> > 
> > See https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/grep.html
> > 
> > Here is the amount of headache I went through to replace egrep with grep -E:
> > 
> > https://github.com/samboy/MaraDNS/commit/afc9d1800f3a641bdf1bf14d39802443a34c2b70
> > 
> > There are countless other shell scripts out there on countless
> > machines which still use these commands. We should not lightly break
> > widely deployed software, especially software which only needs two
> > one-line shell scripts.  
> Yep, I really do agree -- and Iv'e already provided examples of things
> which did break in the wild. Just make it a GNU extension and call it a day.
> While I sympathise with the maintainers' perspective, it's pretty
> clear that in reality, nobody actually realised it was "obsolescent"
> and in fact actively using it in new scripts.
> Really, speaking from my perspective, distribution maintainers have
> got enough going on with various fires (Clang 16, OpenSSL 3,
> time64 migration, ...) that handling various trivial-but-numerous
> grep bugs on top is not very helpful :(

+1. hope i'm not "alayhum"ing / "lynch"ing here, but I agree that breaking
backcompat for vanity is bad.

> Best,
> sam


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