Joseph Joshua <> writes:
> I am encountering an issue with GNU grep version 3.8.

You could help with two things.  One is to try this with grep version
3.11, which is the latest.  The other is to provide a transcript of what
commands you give and all the output.  For instance, you mention "our
build process", but that tells us very little about what grep is being
asked to do or the context within which it is running.  You mention this
command:  "grep -r 'pattern' /path/to/directory", but don't list the
contents of /path/to/directory.  Also, are "pattern" and
"/path/to/directory" literally correct, or are they placeholders for
text that you have redacted?  (Likely the directory name isn't critical
for the problem, but the exact pattern likely is.)

This web page gives some good advice for dealing with situations like


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