Follow-up Comment #10, bug #55107 (project groff):

Personally, I don't see a justification for implementing psbb as a
preprocessor.  I am willing to pursue an extended lex/yacc implementation,
(subject to Deri actually answering the question I've now asked twice, without
a response: should CropBoxes, or any of PDF's other bounding box attributes,
have precedence over the MediaBox attributes?), but if you insist on pursuing
a solution in Perl ... a disgusting language, IMO ... then I'm out.

If you read the email referenced by Branden in
comment #4
You will see that I have answered your question, I apologise if you had
difficulty understanding my answer regarding CropBox, I'm happy to try and
explain it again, if needed.

My proposal (D) was never intended to be a .pdfbb replacement (nor .psbb),
remember this ticket concerns problems with .PDFPIC so a pre-processor would
simply add extra lines to the source to achieve what .PDFPIC currently does,
in the same idiom that pic and tbl do now.

If accusing someone on a public forum of holding you up by not answering your
question (when they have helpfully done so), is considered disgusting
language, perhaps we can be a bit less perl! :-)


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