Follow-up Comment #4, bug #59933 (project groff):

On Wednesday, 1 June 2022 13:25:51 BST Oliver wrote:
> Hi Branden,
> thank you for the update!
> I checked, there is no directory type1/ under /usr/share/fonts.
> Then, I did a "locate a0100" and found the fonts in
> /usr/share/X11/fonts/urw-fonts/.
> Groff will probably not have these in the standard search path.
> I'll experiment with setting a symbolic link from /usr/share/fonts and
> let you know tonight.
> Best regards,
> Oliver.

The problem is not that groff can't find the fonts since we can view the
ESB.pdf with the braces fine. Since the fonts are not embedded in the pdf,
because the fonts used are included in the pdf base fonts, the problem is with
the actual pdf viewer.

In comment #1 I suggested producing the pdf with the fonts embedded, but I
have not heard whether that was successful. Just in case I have attached a pdf
with the relevent fonts embedded. It would be interesting to find out whether
the viewer will show the braces correctly.

(file #53264)


Additional Item Attachment:

File name: ESB-g.pdf.pdf                  Size:14 KB


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