Follow-up Comment #17, bug #62923 (project groff):

Whilst you are correct the original submission matched the title, this was
fixed in comment #1.All further comments then onwards are an entirely
different issue which affects grops as well as gropdf. It seems odd to have an
open ticket asigned to gropdf for a problem which has been fixed. The
outstanding issue in the following comments concerns whether radicalex is a
non-spacing character in the special font or not, in S it is, in XITSMR it is
not (or vice-a-versa, I can't remember). The point is that eqn (or the
definition in ps.tmac) only caters for the one case.

Since this ticket was originally closed when the problem to which the title
refers was fixed, but you subsequently reopened when a different issue was
reported in comment #2 I am unsure what to do. The original issue was
definitely a gropdf problem since it was not seen if using grops, the second
issue affected both grops and gropdf equally so is indicative that the problem
is not with gropdf.

What is your advice Branden?


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