Follow-up Comment #5, bug #46914 (project groff):

When filling is enabled and `ce` is used, not only does automatic breaking
still take place in spite of no filling proper taking place, but adjustment
does too!

You just need an example that reveals it.

$ cat ATTIC/ce2.roff
.de FR
Text can be centered with `.ce' (optionally with `.nf'
to suppress automatic breaks) or with `.ad c'.
.ll 4i
.ce 1000
.ce 0

.ce 1000
.ce 0

.ce 1000
.ce 0

.ad c
.pl \n(nlu
$ nroff -Tascii ATTIC/ce2.roff 
Text can be centered with `.ce' (option-
            ally with `.nf'
to suppress automatic  breaks)  or  with
                `.ad c'.

Text can be centered with `.ce' (optionally with `.nf'
to suppress automatic breaks) or with `.ad c'.

Text can be centered with `.ce' (option-
            ally with `.nf'
to suppress automatic breaks) or with
                `.ad c'.

Text can be centered with `.ce' (option-
 ally with `.nf' to suppress automatic
        breaks) or with `.ad c'.

Count the spaces in the first exhibit.

to suppress automatic  breaks)  or  with

This does not seem useful; if you add inter-word spaces until the line reaches
the length limit, it is not distinguishable from centering.

Also, why is the first output line generated from the input line beginning
with "to suppress" not centered in the third `FR` call's output?

Presumably some combinations were not checked long ago which is why the bug in
comment #0 and this/these escaped notice.  It's possible they're all even the
same bug.

If not, I'll spin this/these out into as many new tickets as are necessary.

It doesn't take a spirit medium to see regression tests in the future.


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