
                 Summary: [mm] indexing system paginates badly
                   Group: GNU roff
               Submitter: gbranden
               Submitted: Wed 17 May 2023 09:02:57 AM UTC
                Category: Macro mm
                Severity: 3 - Normal
              Item Group: Incorrect behaviour
                  Status: None
                 Privacy: Public
             Assigned to: None
             Open/Closed: Open
         Discussion Lock: Any
         Planned Release: None


Follow-up Comments:

Date: Wed 17 May 2023 09:02:57 AM UTC By: G. Branden Robinson <gbranden>
Affects groff 1.22.4.

$ cat EXPERIMENTS/use-index.mm 
.INITI N myindex
This is my document.
.IND "first item"
.IND "item, first"
Here is some more stuff.
.IND "second item"
.IND "item, second"
This concludes our regularly scheduled programming.
$ mmroff -Tascii EXPERIMENTS/use-index.mm | cat -s

                                   - 1 -

       This is my document.

                                   - 2 -

       Here  is  some  more  stuff.   This  concludes our regularly

                                   - 3 -

       scheduled programming.

                                   - 4 -


       first item      1
       item, first     1
       item, second    2
       second item     2

                                   - 5 -

I see two problems here.

A.  The page is being broken before the index without flushing the pending
output line first.  This smells like a missing `br` request to me.

B.  The page is being broken after the index even if there is no further

One can apparently redefine `TYIND` to get around the first problem.  It would
be better to use `TXIND` for this purpose, and if it is not defined, call `SK`
(or something similar) as the fallback for `TYIND` currently does.

.de INDP
.ie \\n[Ref] .tm .\\\\" Index: \\*[ind*file]
.el \{\
.       if !\\n[Cp] .pg@next-page
.       \" print INDEX
.       \" execute user-defined macros
.       if d TXIND .TXIND
.       ie d TYIND .TYIND
.       el \{\
.               SK
.               ce
.               SP 3
.               2C
.               nf
.       \}
'       so  \\*[ind*file]
.       ie d TZIND .TZIND
.       el \{\
.               fi
.               1C
.       \}
.rm ind*file

It's a shame the default operation wastes a page at the end of the document in
(what I assume is) the common case of having no material in the document after
the index.  (I assume not _everybody_ sticks on a colophon or whatever.)

Possibly `INDP` could take a pair of arguments controlling whether the page is
broken before and after, respectively.  It would of course pass these
arguments to the appropriate hook macros.


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