Follow-up Comment #3, bug #64212 (project groff):

[comment #2 comment #2:]
> Sorry, I wasn't clear about this; the internal page-bottom
> trap always exists, but it has no name.

...and indeed, isn't called a trap in the docs, so I hadn't thought of it as a
trap.  While, per your analysis, it does have some trap-like properties, it
lacks others, so it's not immediately clear to me whether it should be
considered a trap with special properties or (as the docs currently treat it)
a unique object with its own properties.  (Though I can guess which
interpretation Admiral Ackbar would support.)

> It's conceivable that a full-service macro package will not
> set up a page-bottom trap if no footer is configured and no
> footnotes occur.

Well, even without a footer or footnotes, you almost never want text running
all the way to the page bottom, so I assumed all the standard packages do by
default set a bottom margin, which entails a trap.


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