Follow-up Comment #12, bug#64285 (group groff):

[comment #10 comment #10:]
> I see very little difference between PS and PDF output for your input
exhibit in comment #9, using bleeding-edge _groff_.

I agree.

> Regarding the topic at issue, I propose that the first and second paragraphs
should look the same, regardless of output device.  I am willing to undertake
the alternation of the "libdriver"-based output drivers to realize this
output, in coordination with changes in _gropdf_ to achieve the same.
> What do you think?

If you think fixing a crazy (but well known and documented) "feature" is more
important than maintaining 30 years of groff compatibility, then it would
probably make sense for you to do the deed (to libdriver and gropdf) in the
same commit. Just comment out the two lines about 3916 (in section dealing
with "Line Thickness "):-


And test with the code in comment #9. Both paragraphs should be the same, and
with no unusual gap later in the first lines.


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