Follow-up Comment #12, bug#60930 (group groff):

[comment #11 comment #11:]
> There's no copyright affixed to the script, but I can add one and
> slap on a GPL notice if that would help.  Let me know.  There'll
> probably have to be a copyright assignment to the Free Software
> Foundation as well.  I don't keep up with the legalities, I'm afraid.

Nor I; someone more conversant with licensing will have to address this.  I
only brought it up as part of a list of potential obstacles I could see to
getting it into the package.  I don't know what if anything needs to be done
here.  My naïve assumption would be that whatever was done to get -mom in
would be sufficient.

> FWIW, a manpage is already written as a heredoc in the script.
> All it needs is to be marked up.

More good news!


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