Hello OKUJI Yoshinori!

 >   Your information is too ambiguous to understand what happened. We
 > need to know what you did exactly.

Perhaps I could clarify that:

The following entry used to cause the newly installed Grub to load,
from the disk but it does no longer do this. Grub drops back to
itself instead:

# For installation purposes:
# ==========================
# (A `stage2' or `<fs-type>_stage1_5' and the optional file `menu.lst'
#  already need to be present on the destination media!)
title=  GRUB installation from (fd0)/grub/   to (hd0)/(hd0,0)/grub/ ...
pause= Install GRUB from (fd0) on (hd0)/(hd0,0) now?   Hit <Esc> to abort.

# We get stage1 from (fd0)/grub/stage1, install to (hd0) and tell stage1
# to look for stage2 on (hd0,0)/grub/stage2 and stage2 in turn to look up
# (hd0,0)/grub/menu.lst.
install=(fd0)/grub/stage1 d (hd0) (hd0,0)/grub/stage2 0x8000 p (hd0,0)/grub/menu.lst
root=   (hd0)
chainloader=    +1

Something else - today I used the new completion feature and noticed
that the completion works although the line was not redrawn as it
should - the completion result got displayed but the previously
visible text just got overwritten in the process. Moving to the end
of the line showed that the text itself probably remained intact
internally since I could move as many characters as expected past the
last displayed character.


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