>>>>> Pavel Roskin writes:

 PR> I have found that Stage 2 does an additional check that fails for
 PR> that old AmiBIOS.  After calling int 0x13 with %ah=0x41 Stage 2
 PR> checks %cx If it is 0xFFFF, LBA is not used

Actually, no.  If bit 0 of %cx is 0, LBA is not used.

 PR> (why? I'll try to find the specification)

See the below `API subset support bitmap' description to see why we
need andw $1, %cx to be nonzero before we use subfunction 0x42.

>From Ralf Brown's interrupt list:

        AH = 41h
        BX = 55AAh
        DL = drive (80h-FFh)
Return: CF set on error (extensions not supported)
            AH = 01h (invalid function)
        CF clear if successful
            BX = AA55h if installed
            AH = major version of extensions
                01h = 1.x
                20h = 2.0 / EDD-1.0
                21h = 2.1 / EDD-1.1
                30h = EDD-3.0
            AL = internal use
            CX = API subset support bitmap (see #00271)
            DH = extension version (v2.0+ ??? -- not present in 1.x)
Note:   the Phoenix Enhanced Disk Drive Specification v1.0 uses version 2.0 of
          the INT 13 Extensions API
SeeAlso: AH=42h"INT 13 Ext",AH=48h"INT 13 Ext"

Bitfields for IBM/MS INT 13 Extensions API support bitmap:
Bit(s)  Description     (Table 00271)
 0      extended disk access functions (AH=42h-44h,47h,48h) supported
 1      removable drive controller functions (AH=45h,46h,48h,49h,INT 15/AH=52h)
 2      enhanced disk drive (EDD) functions (AH=48h,AH=4Eh) supported
        extended drive parameter table is valid (see #00273,#00278)
 3-15   reserved (0)

 Gordon Matzigkeit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  //\ I'm a FIG (http://www.fig.org/)
Committed to freedom and diversity \// I use GNU (http://www.gnu.org/)

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