OKUJI Yoshinori <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>   Although I tried various ways, I cannot still reproduce the same
> problem, so I need your help. Please answer these questions to clear
> what's wrong:
> a. Does the same thing happen in the native environment?
> b. If the answer is no, what is the geometry of your hard disk?
> c. If the answer is yes, what messages will be printed if you compile
> GRUB with the macro "E2DEBUG" defined? Please follow this instruction:
> $ ./configure && make CFLAGS="-DE2DEBUG=1"
> $ su
> # script grub.log # Or whatever you like.
> # grub/grub --batch <<EOT
> root (hd0,0) # Replace this with the appropriate partition.
> chainloader /boot/grub/stage1
> # exit

Ok, I'll get you that info.  Since it seems to be something locally
weird, I'll attach a debugger myself and see if I can see what is

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