OKUJI Yoshinori <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > To be able to overcome these 2 pbs, i use this _ugly_ patch below. A better (?)
> > solution would be to remove each use of total_sectors for verification.
>   Why is this necessary? In LBA mode, the number of cylinders is not
> important. It is used only in CHS mode.

yup, sorry missing something while testing different versions :(
it does work without it.

I've got some enhancements to ask/add.
I'll compare with what i achieved using lilo ;-)

- simple i18n (aka, without changing the charset). With lilo i used 
to load a file that was written at install time. What would be the best solution
to change grub's message "Use the ^ and v keys ..."?

- keyboard translation. I prefer lilo's approach (rather than the "setkey"
command). It's quite simple: just load a 256 byte translation table in memory,
then do

gotkey: xor     ah,ah           ! read a key
        int     0x16
        push    bx              ! keyboard translation (preserve BX)
        mov     bx,#KEYTABLE
        pop     bx
(taken from second.S of lilo)

where xlatb is "Set AL to memory byte DS:[BX + AL]"
(didn't know that one, appeared on 386)

- password command: i don't quite understand what "new-config-file" must be.
What i'd like is to reload the same config file *without* the password

sorry to bother you, I can make the changes if you want and send you the patch
(with comments welcome)

thanks, cu Pixel.

PS: did i say i can't stand no more the stupid lilo's behaviour and that being
able to ``cat'' at boot is marvellous :)

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