OKUJI Yoshinori wrote:
> From: Christoph Plattner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Grub over serial line - status ! (I did a test version, itruns !)
> Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2000 13:12:18 +0200
> > What should grub do, if no config file (menu.lst) is present ?
> >       (Default)
>   GRUB shouldn't use serial console.
> >       Why do you think, the idea with the asterisk (or whatever)
> >       is not useful. This is realy a minor change in the menu code
> >       and nearly no change for the user. But the serial performane
> >       is much increased.
>   I don't like to have two different interfaces for a single purpose.
> Anyway, if you can move a cursor to anywhere you like, the terminal
> should support inversion as well.

Of course, inversion is also possible, but the problem is the time to
draw it up. If you use line inversion, you have to rewrite every menu-
item and at 9600 baud, you can really see, "how the cursor paints 
letters and frames". It takes wide more that five seconds to draw up
the whole menu. It also takes 1 to 2 seconds to move from one menu
item to the next. If you want to select the fifth, you have to wait
8 seconds, till you have it.

In case of a one character symbol (like asterisk), you have to paint and
delete only one character !

But I will try to implement the rest (command line for console, etc).

One question again to 'automake'. Do you use the standard GNU automake
or have you a patched version to use special extensions (I heard you
use special versions) ?
If there are special patches or versions, where can I download them....

Thanks, and friendly regards

        Christoph Plattner

private:                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
company:                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> > What terminal types have to be supported. I used the standard Linux
> > console setup and use a front-end-terminal (a 20-liner, setting
> > console to raw mode and sleeping on select, waiting for a character over
> > the serial line or a character from the console to send to each other).
>   Perhaps the ideal is to support as many terminals as possible, but I
> don't think we have to support so many terminals. At least "dumb" and
> "ansi" should be supported, because every terminals works as a "dumb"
> terminal and most fancy terminals support ANSI-compliant escape
> sequences. It is preferable to support ANSI-style color functions as
> well, but not necessary.
> Okuji

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