From: Christopher Kailden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Information on GRUB
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2000 12:35:22 -0700 (PDT)

> What is keeping GRUB from remaining in alpha? 

  Please take a look at my past mail in the archive:

> Recently I was debating the advantages and
> disadvantages of LILO, and GRUB was recomended as a
> viable alternative. I am wondering what GRUB is still
> trying to accomplish before going public. 

  There are also some remaining problems, which may affect
beginners. For example, Gordon who is the chief maintainer of this
project is considering if the LBA support bitmap check should be
disabled by default. LBA is one of the nightmares in PC, so we need
more time to determine what is the Right Thing.

  The very thing that you should take into account is, however, that
GRUB is not only a replacement with LILO. I know some Linux-side
people presume that GRUB is a Linux loader which is maybe better than
LILO, but GRUB has many other aspects. For most of us, it is very
important how useful GRUB is for OS development. If you read the
document carefully, you can see how many features GRUB has and then
that most of the features are not very useful for "ordinary" users.


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