4-Jun-00 13:18 you wrote:
> Hello from Gregg C Levine
> The problem obviously sat with my interpetations of the installation rules,
> described in the info files. Since I only glanced at them to make sure they
> were installed correctly, this will require a closer look, and that I will
> do. Given time.

Hmm. Classical problem: looking on the EXACTLY same screen software author and
user have different opinions :-) Author thinks program works just great while
user thinks everything went horribly wrong ... If you followed advices from
http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/bugs.html (or from FreshMeat
http://freshmeat.net/news/2000/02/26/951627540.html ) it shortened discussion
a lot ... Just my .02 :-)

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