>>>>> OKUJI Yoshinori writes:

 OY>   Here is the list of outstanding reports that should be
 OY> closed. Gordon, if you have any question, feel free to ask me.

 OY> * #42242: grub: GRUB no longer includes HTML documentation
 OY> * #42273: Documentation files removed in update of grub

 OY>   That was not a bug at all.

I need to keep these open, until I set up HTML generation from the
Debian build files, because all Debian documentation is supposed to be
in HTML.  You don't have to worry about that, though.

 OY> * #63727: grub: Doesn't recognize MaxBlast bootable floppy as
 OY> executable

 OY>   That was a bug in MaxBlack but not in GRUB.

Should we be so strict about the chainloader signature?  I think there
should at least be an option to disable the signature check.  Let me
know what you think, and I can implement it.

 Gordon Matzigkeit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  //\ I'm a FIG (http://fig.org/)
Committed to freedom and diversity \// I use GNU (http://www.gnu.org/)

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