I have recently started using 0.5.95 on one of my machines.
I installed GRUB sucessfully, but when booting, my machine stucks 
after "GRUB loading, please wait...".

Using printf debugging, I found out the problem is in:

grub_open() -> setup_part() -> ... -> real_open_partition() ->
  rawread() -> biosdisk() -> biosdisk_int13_extensions() 

I.e. a printf call placed right before ams.S:910: 
        DATA32  call    EXT_C(real_to_prot)
works, while a call after the real_to_prot call does not show.

After waiting about 10 minutes, a few function call were made again, and
grub stuck again. 

Machine info:
Intel Seattle SE440BX with bios upgraded to 1.2, P-II 400,
IDE Primary Master: Seagate 13GB 
IDe Primary Secondary: Western Digital 10GB

The partitions I am trying to boot are (hd0,0) (NT, 5GB),  
                          (hd1,6) (Linux, 200 MB, starts at ~7GB)


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