On Mon, Aug 07, 2000 at 01:38:37PM -0500, Ingrid wrote:

> 4. here's my new menu behavior suggestion. when the user
> hits enter from the main menu, grub displays a Run screen
> that lists the commands behind that menu entry, and rests
> the cursor on a line that says 'run' (or 'boot' or
> 'run/boot' or whatever). if one hits enter again, the
> commands are run.

Let me jump in here to say I would really hate that change.  I
don't want to hit enter twice to boot my computer (the most
common task for grub).  I would much rather there be a different
key to do the unusual editing job and a single key (enter) for
the common task.

> 6. the 'd' for delete and 'o' and 'O' for insert in the
> menu entry edit screen seem peverse. i would imagine that
> u expect to change this (to use Del and Insert keys, at
> least as an alternative, respectively) at some point, right?
> to allow for the equivalent of inserting after the last
> line, always add a blank line at the end of a menu entry.

These aren't perverse to vi users, but I suppose many would
consider vi itself to be perverse.


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