>>>>> OKUJI Yoshinori writes:

 OY>   BTW, Gordon, what do you think about BeOS support? Obviously,
 OY> BeOS is proprietary software, so I'm not sure if we should accept
 OY> patches for such an OS.

I have no problem accepting patches... I would only ask the typical
GNU question: ``Will it make life more difficult for the

If the answer is `No', then we could accept the patches.  If they get
too big, then perhaps we could ask for a configure switch to enable
them, or somesuch.

 OY> I myself have no objection to adding the
 OY> support, as this enables them to replace the proprietary boot
 OY> loader with the free boot loader (i.e. GNU GRUB), so we can give
 OY> them more opportunity to broaden the idea of free software.

Yes, that is a good reason.  It is the same reason why GNU is portable
to many proprietary systems.

 Gordon Matzigkeit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  //\ I'm a FIG (http://fig.org/)
Committed to freedom and diversity \// I use GNU (http://www.gnu.org/)

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