I am not yet fully familiar with CVS. How can i integrate my local project files with 
the diff file provided by Jochen, i.e. what is the reverse command for cvs diff -u?
Mfg Volker Augustin

>>> "Jochen Hoenicke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 17.10.00 12.07 Uhr 

I have now integrated the md5 passwords into grub.  The patch is at

The tar.gz contains the output "cvs diff -u" and three files that I
added to the repository.

If the password command is used with the "--md5" option, the password
is interpreted as md5 password, if that option is missing the password
is interpreted as clear text as before.  The only break in backwards
compatibility is that clear text passwords starting with "--" are no
longer permitted.

To generate md5 passwords I have included a perl script that uses the
unix crypt command for this.  This only works if your system supports
md5 passwords (most modern linux systems do).

I also changed the password command, so that you can also use it in
menu items.  If that menu is executed, it asks for the password and
exits with ERR_PRIVILEGED, if the password was wrong.  This is useful
to have different passwords for different menu items.


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