Jochen Hoenicke wrote:

> On Oct 31, David & Tamara Carney wrote:
> > Ok. I've installed GRUB. It works,but only from the command "shell". I
> > followed the instructions for creating the menu.lst file and where to
> > place it.
> >
> > I still don't get the menu at boot, just the shell. What does it take to
> > get the menu????
> Place it in /boot/grub/menu.lst and if you have a /boot partition, add
> a symlink: "cd /boot; ln -s . boot" (The next version of grub will
> hopefully not need the symlink anymore).
>   Jochen


  I think I tried what you suggested - it didn't work. Here's my system, and
what I did to try to set up GRUB.

  I'm running a Red Hat 6.1 system. It's a dual boot setup, with Win98 SE on
the hda1 (hd0,0) partition. My root Linux partition is hda7 (hd0,6). The boot
directory is on hda5 (hd0,4). GRUB is in this directory, ie, /boot/grub/(grub
files, stage1, stage2, e2fs_stage1_5,, and menu.lst).

  To set up GRUB, I invoked GRUB and at the GRUB prompt (GRUB >), I typed the

GRUB> root (hd0,6)

GRUB> find /boot/grub/stage1

(wouldn't find it, got an error 15 File Not Found. So I tried:)

GRUB> find /grub/stage1
(hd0,6)  (I have a symlink from my root directory to /boot/grub/. Thought it
might help, but it didn't.)

GRUB> setup (hd0)
(GRUB finds the real stage1 and the symlink stage1, plus a bunch of other

  I quit GRUB, reboot, and all I get is the GRUB shell at boot. I can type:

GRUB> configfile (hd0,4)/grub/menu.lst   -- and get the "graphical" menu, but
I can't get it initially at boot time. I tried your symlink suggestion, it
just created a symlink within the /boot directory to itself. Didn't work.

  I must be doing something wrong, but I am learning a few things about GRUB
(all good!).

  Any more suggestions??

  In advance, thanks!


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