Package: grub

I have problems with grub.

i did a new install on my home box (iwill XA100+ with 20Gb Western digital
7200rpm drive) and installed reiserfs. To be able to boot into reiserfs i
installed grub and did some partition copying. Everything worked fine. Now i
installed a second disk as slave on the same IDE port, and copied the whole
system to the new disk to use on another box witout having to reinstall.

Since then, grub is working fine on the new box, but on the old box, i cannot
access partition 2 and 3. (partition 1 and 3 are 512 Kb linux root partitions,
1 with reiserfs, 3 with ext2, and partition 2 is windows (some 6Gb i think).

I reflashed the bios with the latest version from iwill, but still, grub don't
want to look past the 512Kb barrier. The strange thing is that MBR has no
problem booting from partition 2 and 3 so right now i have a grub floppy for
the reiserfs partition, and use mbr+lilo for the other two.

What is wrong here ? i am sure i am doing something stupid and this is easy to


Sven Luther

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