> > Sorry, forgot to test "testvbe".
>   Please do.
Gives some kind of color cycling (for all 9 modes) and after pressing a
key it returns to a 40x25 text mode.

>   Don't hesitate to send a bug report. Are you sure that your problem
> is the same as a known bug? Otherwise, please tell us more information
> about your hardware and your installation procedure.
I did 
  cat stage1/stage1 stage2/stage2 > /dev/fd0
and used the floppy to boot my PCs. On "amarok" it worked liked
described above and in the last mail and on "oxygene" there is shown
something like
  GRUB loading stage2.....
and after the newline nothing more happens (the floppy led remains
lighted). I'm not shure, but I think the last working version was
0.5.95. Is there any opportunity to trace the versions in little steps,
so that the problem can be catched? 
As I booted from floppy, the different behaviour can only depend on the
mainboard (incl. RAM and CPU). "amarok" is a MSI dual PIII (SMP 1.4) and
"oxygene" is a Gigabyte dual Pentium MMX (SMP 1.1). If someone needs
more information about the hardware, I wrote it down on
http://pc-fricke.math-inf.uni-greifswald.de/~fricke/hardware/ (sorry,
German only, it was only for searching drivers, manuals from my internet

Best wishes                         Jan

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