More details on what I want to do.

Right now I am booting off the floppy. So I 'dd if=cbd_stage1_5 /dev/fd0
bs=512 seek=1" to write the stage1.5 on the floppy.  Then I start
interactive grub and "install= (hd0,0)/grub/stage1 d (fd0) (fd0)1+17
*NOTE* I found out that I need the +17 to get it to read in all the
stage1.5 during boot.
Now I want stage2 to be loaded from (hd2,0)/BOOT. This confuses grub
greatly  if I try to put (hd2,0)/BOOT and the config_file at the end of
the install command for grub it tries to write something at
current_sector - part_start  BUT part_start is the start of hd2,0 NOT
fd0 so the program chokes.  Next I changed config_file in asm.S to
(hd2,0)/BOOT but then I get error 9.  The I commented the STAGE1_5 to
NONO_STAGE1_5 so now set_device() does stage2 processing for stage1.5 
and commented out long FFFFFFF in asm.S so now it works.

All I wanted to do is to have stage1.5 read the CBD filesystem on
partition 0 and find /BOOT.  I think I did  it the hard way.  

Now I am working on getting stage2 to read (hd2,0)/BMNU at startup so I
would have a menu.


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