Dear All:

Complete Linux newbie here. Apologies for cluttering this list, but the
Linux Mandrake mailing list is down and I'm in a time bind. Due to
circumstances beyond my control, I am forced to use Win2000 for some
tasks. So I would like to dual boot Win2000 and Linux Mandrake 7.2.
Starting fresh, I first installed Win2000 on 2GB (the first partition,
C:) of a 4GB drive on my laptop. Then I installed LM7.2 on the second
partition, also of 2GB. The LM installer did all the
default/recommended setup setting (e.g. Auto Allocate /, /swap, and
/home and install the Recommended apps., etc.). However, when I boot
up, and the GRUB comes up I do not see Win2000 as an option (some might
call this a "Good Thing" ;-)). How do I tell GRUB to present Win2000 as
an option? 

Many thanks in advance, rob

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