Reading EEPROM failed in new EtherExpressPro100 card.
This patch fixes it.
I referred to eepro100.c of Linux-2.4.2.
I tested 3 machines.

==================== Test log ====================
-------------------- Machine 1 -------------------
$ /sbin/lspci -s 01:01.0
01:01.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82557 [Ethernet Pro 100] (rev 08)
$ /sbin/lspci -s 01:01.0 -n
01:01.0 Class 0200: 8086:1229 (rev 08)
$ /sbin/ifconfig | grep HWaddr
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:D0:B7:59:32:97

*** Before patch(OK)
grub> ifconfig
Found Intel EtherExpressPro100 at 0xde80, ROM address 0x3fd800
Probing...[Intel EtherExpressPro100]
PCI latency timer (CFLT) is unreasonably low at 0. Setting to 32 clocks.
Ethernet addr: 0:d0:b7:59:32:97
eeprom[6] = 4701
Not initialized yet.

*** After patch(OK)
grub> ifconfig
Found Intel EtherExpressPro100 at 0xde80, ROM address 0x3fd800
Probing...[Intel EtherExpressPro100]
PCI latency timer (CFLT) is unreasonably low at 0. Setting to 32 clocks.
Ethernet addr: 0:d0:b7:59:32:97
eeprom[6] = 4701
Not initialized yet.

-------------------- Machine 2 -------------------
$ /sbin/lspci -s 00:0a.0
00:0a.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82557 [Ethernet Pro 100] (rev 09)
$ /sbin/lspci -s 00:0a.0 -n
00:0a.0 Class 0200: 8086:1229 (rev 09)
$ /sbin/ifconfig | grep HWaddr
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:10:A4:A6:5E:70  

*** Before patch(ERROR)
grub> ifconfig
Found Intel EtherExpressPro100 at 0x1840, ROM address 0x0
Probing...[Intel EtherExpressPro100]Ethernet addr: 0:84:0:80:1:80 
eepro100: Invalid EEPROM checksum 4.4x, check settings before activating this d
eeprom[6] = 8000 
Not initialized yet.

*** After patch(OK)
grub> ifconfig
Found Intel EtherExpressPro100 at 0x1840, ROM address 0x0
Probing...[Intel EtherExpressPro100]Ethernet addr: 0:10:a4:a6:5e:70 
eeprom[6] = 4701 
Not initialized yet.

-------------------- Machine 3 -------------------
$ /sbin/lspci -s 01:08.0
01:08.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82820 820 (Camino 2) Chipset Ethernet 
(rev 01)
$ /sbin/lspci -s 01:08.0 -n
01:08.0 Class 0200: 8086:2449 (rev 01)
$ /sbin/ifconfig | grep HWaddr
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:01:80:05:00:4B  

*** Before patch(ERROR)
grub> ifconfig
Probing...[EEPRO100]No ethernet card found.

Error 12: Invalid device requested

*** After patch (define device only) (ERROR)
grub> ifconfig
Found Intel EtherExpressPro100 at 0xc000, ROM address 0x0
Probing...[Intel EtherExpressPro100]Ethernet addr: 40:80:0:80:0:80 
eepro100: Invalid EEPROM checksum 4.4x, check settings before activating this d
eeprom[6] = 8000 
Not initialized yet.

*** After patch(OK)
grub> ifconfig                                                                 
Found Intel EtherExpressPro100 at 0xc000, ROM address 0x0
Probing...[Intel EtherExpressPro100]Ethernet addr: 0:1:80:5:0:4b 
eeprom[6] = 4701 
Not initialized yet.



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