From: Christoph Plattner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [PATCHES] saving, displaying and using information given viabootp
Date: Fri, 02 Mar 2001 23:03:58 +0100

> Or we make the stage2-diskless module automatically in the build process
> with 
>       cat start diskless > stage2-diskless
> as we do 
>       cat start pre_stage2 > stage2
> and
>       cat nbloader diskless > nbgrub

I don't like that, because:

1) There is no guarantee that the image "start" will load the whole
   image of "diskless", since the number of the sectors (of "stage2")
   is embedded in "start". You must recreate "start", according to
   that of "diskless".

2) It is generally a Bad Thing to have many different images. That is
   difficult for users to understand and for maintainers to maintain.


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