On Mar 3, bubba lee wrote:
> I installed linux on my computer with windows still on
> it. I repartitioned my hard drive and had both
> operating systems on it. My computer used the grub to
> select between operating systems. But i removed the
> linux partition and now the grub os selector doesnt
> work. 

This is because you removed grub's /boot/grub/menu.lst which contains
the menu.

> it doesnt even come up to where i have choices
> to select what os to load. all it does is give me a
> command promt like this grub> .  I formatted my hard
> drive and reinstalled windows i deleted the partions
> and set new ones and the grub is still there all i
> want to know is how to remove it. if you have any idea
> or advice please let me know as soon as possible. 

To replace grub with DOS's default MBR execute
fdisk /MBR
on the DOS prompt.


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