Firstly, I have installed the window 98 in partition C, then I install the mandrake 7.2 in partition D, and I have still partition E,F with FAT32. But when I fdisk with window bootup disl (the whole harddisk with c,d,e,f), I found that I could only creat the primary and extended partition  but can't creat the logical partition. when I have created hte logical partition and then formatted them and reinstall the window 98 again. But I found that the grub is still there and point out that booting up from CD-rom is failture and then run into window. How could I uninstall the grub or what way to reinstall the window 98 just like to build up  the computer at first time. Because I wouldn't use Linux anymore and I just want the window only without the multi-boot function.
Hope you could reply me as soon as possible. Thanks

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