[[EMAIL PROTECTED] is added to Cc:.]

From: Klaus Reichl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Making MENU on dumb terminals work
Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 10:13:32 +0200 (MET DST)

> Are there responsibles for administrative files like
> NEWS/TODO/BUGS/... or can thing be added here by everybody?

The files should be modified by those who understand the whole project
precisely. You may add items into NEWS, BUGS, INSTALL, etc. when you
are making user-visible changes by your own decision, but I'd
recommend discussing the changes before applying patches for them
actually, since they must have a significant impact for the users. The
file TODO should be maintained by the official maintainers (Gordon and
me), because the items in the file represent future directions

> Who takes care about generated files in the distribution wrt. to the
> version of the generator (e.g. configure)?       

Those who check in patches which affect the configuration. You
wouldn't have to take care about this so much, because running make
will regenerate the configure script appropriately, if you specify the
option "--enable-maintainer-mode" to configure.

> I assume conflicting things are primarily discussed in bug-grub, or in
> private email?

Basically, you should always use the mailing list. I don't like closed
development. That isn't a Good Thing at all. That is just
harmful. I have seen several projects that failed, because they had
closed mailing lists, which made it quite hard for other people to
take part in them. Send email privately, only if you are certain that
you have a special reason to do that.


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